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created by ArielCo
review by [Rumiko]
download: Mugen Mexico

Wow. Right when I got a .DEF file error on first run of this character, I knew that Carnificina was going to get a run for his money. This guy says he was disappointed with the existing Wolverines and that he wanted to make one that felt more like him. This character doesn't feel like Wolverine and doesn't play like Wolverine. It's sort of like ArielCo went out of his way to add game-breaking combos while removing everything Wolverine should have.

Since when did adding the most amount of crappy and useless moves make characters better? This Wolverine has a ton of features/moves that are ALL badly presented or completely unnecessarily and interesting. When he couldn't get the normal moves right (see the throws, for the best example of this) I guess he just decided to move on to add contrived crap, like a Shouryuuken-style anti-air and a Hyper Combo version of it.

Balance... what, here? Ahaha! This character comes with a 27% boost on attack and 72% boost on defense. And then he has healing on top of that. There are a million things wrong just there. As for the moves... Here's a combo for you: activate the super speed Hyper Combo, hold forward, and press X until you win. Here's another one: Get the enemy in the corner and do a Jab Tornado Claw. Do it over, and over, and over again. You'll get about 600 damage before the juggle points end the combo. Yet another: Get your opponent in the corner and falling somehow. Press Jab, Forward, Jab, Forward, Jab, Forward until you win! It gets even more mindless... PSX EX-tag style. You can cancel Hypers into other Hypers, including themselves. For example: Weapon X, Weapon X, Weapon X. Dead enemy. If that's too slow for you, there's Fatal Claw, Fatal Claw, Fatal Claw. That'll end your match in about three seconds. If even THAT is too slow for you, there's the RAGING DEMON! (Every shitty character has to have it!) Activate it (with a ton of difficulty, as the trigger for the move has flaws) and watch Wolverine do 1000000 damage in as annoying a way as possible. That's it for the mindless combos that are the entirety of Wx2's gameplay. What about the real combos? In an effort to say that he is a complete and total scrub with absolutely no idea how to play Wolverine, ArielCo excluded the ever-so-important dwnfwd+Fierce - special/Hyper cancels and the OTG hit property on just about (probably) every attack.

Just about each and everything move has something wrong with it. Bad damage (always too high,) missing frames, bad animation timing, leaves Wolverine open for free hits if it connects, gives back power even if it's a super move, stuff like that. There's... just about nothing good or correct in this character.

By the way, if you want a laugh, hold up and press Y+A over and over again. See if you can get Wolverine to Drill Claw high enough to crash Mugen! Maybe it's a minigame that ArielCo felt like sticking in. Or maybe he's just a moron.

Pros and Cons
+ There is no positive.

- TOTALLY contrived new moves.
- Unbelievable cheapness.
- More 100% damage/infinite combos than any other character.
- Everything is done wrong.
- This character exists.

Overall Score: 10