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made by Ex Infernis
review by Villian
download: Why?

Something concerns me when the "creator" Ex Infernis couldn't even take the time to ensure that a small detail like Demitri's last name was correct. Such oversights seem to set the tone of the character, so I continue with the review:

The 1st thing you notice looking at this character is that it is a 6 button character, unlike the original 4 button Demitri. I recall reviewing a 6 button-Abubo in the past, which was a travesty worthy of a judge of biblical times to tear his own shirt. Also, he has custom moves that were added, including a poorly recolored clip from Jedah's DS sprites. Capcom component + SNK style character = crap in motion.

Considering that it is still Demitri at the core, I looked at his normal moves. Inaccurate clsn? But of course. His Bat spin also goes straight through the opponent, with Infernis seeming to forget how it actually operates. Also, both Demon cradle versions are able to be done from a stand still, which is incorrect. The normal vertical one is the worst offender, as it sucks in the opponent during the hit a good deal. Can you predict what this leads to?

Yes, an easy infinite. :D This move can be repeated again and again, as the opponent will keep getting sucked in, regardless where you are in the stage. And it works for each and every version of it. The second screenshot is a testament to that fact.

And for the last straw, there is a lot of questionable code here. Odd that all these things are mentioned in the st files themselves, and almost no one is mentioned in the readme at all. The one that stood out was Soldats' code, which had this message:

; AI Codes by O Ilusionista (took from MB-02's new version, mb-01 and Blaze Agent.
; I (O Ilusionista) and Ethan Lives has authorization to use many Soldats (and other peoples)
; codes, so dont start a flame war against him, ok?
; alterations by EX-INFERIS

News flash: Just because they got permission does not mean you did. They did not have the right to give you permission for something that was not even theirs to begin with. Much less an altered version of that code. And with this little ditty, I end my review.

Pros and Cons
+I have no need for this line.
- Very poor rendition of Demitri; all signature moves botched.
- Additions look shoddy at best
- Stolen code
- Easy infinites

Overall Score: 11+
Couldn't even spell his name right...