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created by (I forget.)
review by Jason
download: (I forget.)

Where should I begin? The first thing that caught my eye about this character is that it uses the same sprites as my jackie chan character. i am not accusing this guy of being a thief or anything, but it caught my interest enough to make me want to write a review on it. And that is what I am doing right now. So read on.

The sprites are taken from Jackie Chan's action kung fu, edited to look like an oddly shaped chinese man in street clothes. Oddly shaped, because he was scaled to be about the same size as a "regular" fighting game character. Anyway, the results are ugly, and he's missing a lot of frames. Not to mentin that his axis settings are extremely fucked. his attacks are all badly aligned, and watching him stroll to the other end of the stage makes me want to barf.

The sad part is, he plays about as well as he looks. after about 5 seconds of fiddling with him, i closed mugen and deleted hsi folder. it's that bad. I tried to find some positive points, but his button layout sucks, he has very few attacks, and he has a fucking Mega Man blaster. while playing as udx, i found myself turning to face the tv to watch the anna nicole smith show. yes, i'd rather watch that show than play as udx. sad indeed.

UDX is a pretty bad character, but it gets points for having the same brazillian roll attack as my jackie. oh, and download jackie. kplsthx.

Pros and Cons
+ Brazilian Roll of Death.
- Everything else..

Overall Score: 10