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EX Ryu
created by Saiai
review by [Rumiko]
download: KOGAWorks


I wonder if there's ever been so much stupid packed into one character. If you've ever wanted uninteresting and moronic moves in a mundane package, CvSEXRyu is for you. It's all that and more (or less?)

Saiai isn't the worst programmer. There's nothing at GohanSSM2's level of terrible, but the real flaws with this character lie in the design. When you first run this character, you'll see one of the many intros. There are the normal ones, which are fine, and then there comes the "originality." You could see one of Kyo's intros with hideous scaled CvS explods followed by MvC explods on an erred palette; you could see a Vega intro with Rugal voices (WHY?); you could see a Ryu stand in place, teleport away, and then reappear in the same spot he just left (WHY?!); or you could see the goofiest Ryu-vs-Ryu intro ever. Are any of those necessary? No, not at all. Are any of them interesting? Not particularly. Does any of them make you question a motive for its existence? They all do.

Now you get into the actual game. OH, GOD, MY EYES! That stance edit is a horror. Perhaps Saiai is under the impression that more is better. For you, no. More is not better. More of stuff like this is worse, and, yes, there is more! Ryu's forward dash. Why does this crappy (NEW!) animation exist when Ryu has perfectly good dash sprites? Oh, yes, because these sprites are really Gargoyle's (and he was not credited) and Saiai can't rip what he needs himself. Christ, he even kept the palette.

Welcome to the land of retarded combos! s. Jab, s. Jab, s. Jab, s. Jab, s. Fierce, Shinkuu Hadouken! You are a combo master! One more: Forward Tatsumakisenpuukyaku, c. Strong! Yet another: [Corner] Strong Shouryuuken, s. Jab, s. Jab. Perhaps the most embarassing of all: Forward Tatsumakisenpuukyaku, Forward Tatsumakisenpuukyaku ... I hate to tell you this, Saiai, but this is shit comboing. I don't know if all this was intentional or not, but I have a response for each. Not intentional: Get off your lazy ass and fix this. It's disgusting. Intentional: You need to watch some good Street Fighter players. Maybe you have some misconceptions about skilled play, but this sorry excuse for combos is neither impressive nor fun. It looks more like you don't know how to use juggle points. Oh, yes, and there's an infinite to note: [Corner] 2369 Kick, ad infinitum.

Then, you change from Ryu mode to Capcom mode. The first thing I asked myself when I changed modes was, "does Ryu have a superpowered foot or something?" There is a super spark on Ryu's back foot and I wonder about its existence there. If that was intentional: You need glasses. Your misplaced it by a mile. If it wasn't intentional: How the fuck did you miss that? Wahaha. Dan mode + some silly shit. If anyone wants to play Dan, they can check out R's Dan. Hell, Dankukyaku even goes through the enemy if he's close... R's Dan twenty times better-made and isn't injected with uselessness. It boggles my mind to wonder what on earth would possess Saiai to add this stupid crap, like Chun-li, Vega, and Guile moves. It's miles from fun and useful. It all amounts to a novelty, and with a "Shin Dankukyaku" whose super and hit sparks don't even spawn on EITHER character, any well-coded Ryu or Dan will surpass EX Ryu in enjoyability with ease.

SNK mode is just bad. It consists of just three specials and two level THREE DMs. The specials are a Hurricane Upper with the ugliest hurricanes you could ever hope to see; a Genocide Cutter with mediocre edits; and a Genei Kyaku that is unnoteworthy in every possible way. The DMs are just awful. You can't use either of them until you have a full bar and they're both pretty much the same thing. It's just two different variations of mindless spaz combos.

In the end, this character is just a waste of space. Get a good Ryu and a good Dan, and you'll be set. You'll have the parts of this character that actually don't suck, and even more. It is an underdeveloped, poorly-designed, tasteless, tacky, grotesque, mundane, and ill-conceived amalgam of badly-made Ryu moves and terribly-made miscellany. Excuse me while I dump this fetid potpourri of shit in the trash.

Pros and Cons
+ It's better than the worst.
- Lots of pointless, unfun shit.
- Some of the worst explods ever.
- Palette errors.
- Misplaced sparks.
- Throws are very, very poor.
- Terrible, terrible combos.
- The creator has a terrible sense of what is interesting.
- The creator has a terrible sense of what looks good.
- The creator has a terrible sense of what plays well.

Overall Score: 10