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created by "nobuyuki"
review by Legato
download: nobuyuki's site.

An original character! Whee! Now if only it didn't suck.

From what I gather, this character is based on the main character of an old '70s/'80s giant robot anime called "Getter Robo." Which would explain the giant robots that appear to do super moves. If they were better drawn, I'd almost care. The art for the character, to be blunt, sucks. He's needlessly tall, has few frames of animation, and really seems like he was drawn in a higher res/color level and then lowered down to fit in MUGEN. Sound effects are generic or ripped from the show, I assume.

The special moves are pretty generic and badly coded. The supers are your garden variety MvC style ones: huge ass beams, fast and overpowered strikers, etc. He's also got a super jump, but since he doesn't have much for chain combos you can't even do much of an air combo, so I don't understand the point.

There's not really much more to say about this character. Fans of the anime will probably dig it, but everyone else shouldn't bother with it.

Pros and Cons
+ It doesn't sound horrible.

- Graphics, gameplay, etc.
- Only fans will probably dig it.

Overall Score: 7