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created by Neofix
review by Shinaku
download: Neofix's page

Hahaha. For some reason, the version of this character I downloaded came with a readme for Neo Akuma. Haha.

This character sucks the big cock. He uses a 6 button layout, but the two buttons in the middle are used to jump. Fucking ridiculous. He also only has about 4 attacks, 2 of which are probably the same.

Why am I wasting my time reviewing this shit? It's trash. It's the scum of the MUGEN world.

And he's missing some required frames.

In the end, he does exactly what his name says. He punishes you for wasting your time downloading him with a few seconds of pure, total crap.

Pros and Cons
+ It's Punisher.

- Everything else about him.

Overall Score: 10