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Obese Cheese Boy
created by Neo-Death
review by Shinaku
download: A mysterious site on the internet (i lost it)

No. This is not a joke. As much as I wish to believe characters like this do not exist, we must face the facts. Now, let us begin our review of the entity known only as....Obese Cheese Boy.

His graphics SUCK. For the love of God, add some more animation. It's not like it takes much time or effort to draw a circle and paste cheese in the middle of his shirt, or pasty white chest. Secondly, his moves all suck. Suck! SUCK!!! I mean, come on, man. Blubber Throw? Stinky Dog Summon or whatever? This character is total crap.


This character is only worth downloading if you lke torture, or if you want a good laugh or two.

Pros and Cons


Overall Score: 100
I didn't think it was possible either...