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mvc shen
made by tin
review by legayto b
download: here, but why would you want it?

Continuing our parade of reviews of awful 2003 charaters, here comes MARVEL VS CAPCOM SHEN WOO! Yeah, I think it's a dumb fucking idea too. Unfortunetly, the damage is already done, as Tin has released this for public "enjoyment." Now I'm glad I haven't tried any of his other works recently...

I'll start with the first thing you'll notice if you played 2003 - Tin replaced Shen Woo's awesome voice samples with old Yashiro sounds. I like Yashiro and all, but why does a completely unrelated character need to sound like him? The animations are pretty bad, too. Shen didn't have the most frames of animation in 2003, but now it's really obvious. All of the animations are WAY too slow and they're incorrectly aligned. His run forward and walk back anims are probably the worst of 'em all. They're not even correct for MvC standards - much less KOF.

The gameplay isn't much better. You've got all your standard MvC stuff, like mashing buttons to chain attacks, but even that doesn't feel right due to the slow attack animations. Also, his far standing heavy punch and far standing heavy kick will BOTH send the foe flying all the way across the stage. That's just freakin' annoying. Tin also chose to only give Shen one of his original special moves in a recognizable form. His QCF+Punch is the only move even vaguely similar, and the new specials aren't very good, either.

See that first shot with the stupid light-blue effect? That's his charge down, up + Punch move. Notice how Jin from MvC, who this effect was taken from, is still clearly visible in the stupid effect. That would have taken all of two minutes to remove, guy. The other specials are just command throws - nothing to write home about. The supers are also cruddy and generic, for the most part. He's got his super version of his QCF+P (yawn), a move where he starts a punch rush then turns into Pyron what the fuck?! Then there's the move where he strikes his opponent for 0 damage and then waits for you to bash the buttons like a MvC2 player, then does a whole bunch of attacks in a row for less damage than one air combo, and a move that's basically the same as his LDM from 2003.

None of these are really noteworthy except for how crazy, stupid, and inaccurate they are. The "mash the buttons for a delayed combo" move is a cool idea, but it's basically ineffective. Tin also used an incredibly bizzare method for alinging the sprites in the character. Unlike most MUGEN creators, who align the sprites in the SFF and only change the values in the AIR file to make mild adjustments, Tin just left all the sprites aligned at the upper left corner in the SFF and changed the values in the AIR file. That's not really a bug, per se, but it is bizzare and needlessly complex. He also failed to include a small portrait. I thought everyone knew to include image 9000, 0. Guess not.

All in all, you're better off just going back to playing your bootleg KOF2003 rom on your leaked, hacked beta of Kawaks 1.48, you fucking pirates.

Pros and Cons
+ Shen Woo.
- The sounds.
- The animations.
- The gameplay.
- I have an itch I can't scratch well.

Overall Score: 8
a fucking pyron transformation? what the fuck, dude? no, really. What the fuck?