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Mature 96
created by Mature4ever
review by Shinaku
download: Mature4ever's page

Mature isn't a good character. Mature isn't a bad character. Ah, who am I kidding. Mature is the epitome of what not to do when converting a character for MUGEN. Mature manages to do just aobut everything wrong, and then some.

Let me start with the graphics. Oh, the graphics. Mature is missing MANY frames. A lot. When she's walking, it looks as if she's performing some sort of ancient sacrificial dance to please her gods. He moves like a robot attempting to do the robot. And her sprites are ugly, too. Mature4ever had the bright idea of making color 0 in the palette black. Yes, never mind that Mature has some black on her clothes. Never mind that black is a very common color. What color do we decide to use for color0? non other than 0,0,0! A wise choice from a wise creator.

If you dislike the graphics, but believe that beauty is only skin deep, stop right there. Do not actually play as Mature 96. She plays as good as her sprites look, which isn't saying much. Let's just say that if Mature raced a snail, the snail would lap her. She has no gameplay whatsoever. In the CMD file, all of her special moves contain the trigger ctrl = 0. What does this mean? This means that Mature can only attack people with special moves if she's already in an attacking state, or has no control. WOW! Great move. It really improves gameplay a lot! Oh wait, except for one thing. It doesn't.

The programming isn't any better than the above. Her CLSN boxes are placed so poorly that sometimes, attacks are impossible to nail. I don't recall her having any sound, and in the SUPER SWELL VICE INTRO!!! you can actually see Vice disappear into thin air, if you look carefully. Isn't she supposed to fly off screen?

I'm seeing a trend with Mature4Ever's characters. He throws together poor excuses of MUGEN coding, uploads it to a website, and calls it complete. What amazes me more than anything is that he himself can not see these flaws. In his opinion, his characters are 100%. Majaba and Mature 96 are fine examples of this. Mature, if you are reading this, you have a lot to improve upon before you can even call your characters 10% done. Please, for the love of God, read the Docs over. Play the games you're ripping from. Notice how your characters don't make any improvements whatsoever, they just take sprites and forget gameplay. And give me a call once you do, I'll be happy for you.

Pros and Cons
+ What's a "Pro"?

- I've said this before, but I've never really meant it as much as I do now. Everything.

Overall Score: 10