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Classic Link
created by ???
review by shinaku
download: Random Warehouse (haha)

Forget the dated graphics. Forget the uninspired attacks, the slow gameplay, the lack of sound. All of that could be dealt with if Classic Link didn't commit the evil sin that it does.

It's boring.

The graphics are from an NES Zelda game, and they are scaled to be almost as big as regular fighting game characters. It translates into ugly.

He is very boring, and nothing about him makes you want to play with him. He has a lot of useless attacks, such as the kick illustrated in the screenshots. It is utterly useless, as he has a 2 millimeter reach that is unrivaled by any other character. He suffers the same problems as majab, which is, he lacks the ability to fight competently. The file itself is only about 20-25 KB. That's awfully small for a MUGEN character. He sounds boring, because he lacks sound. Not even KFM's default sounds are applied here.

I wasn't aware that a sword slash to the face resulted in minor bruises, while a kick to the head results in gallons of blood gushing out in all directions. Design flaw, or magic boots? You decide. Frankly, the only reason this character isn't getting a 10 is because I like Zelda. Download at your own risk.

Pros and Cons
+ It's Link.

- I lied about not giving it 10.

Overall Score: 10