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created by kyo the french
review by villian
download: Here

i'm going to have to break convention here, but this little stage here is too funny to not mention. it seems that kyo had been recently banned from mugen dev, and decided that instead of taking the situation in a calm and reasonable manner, he created this stage to try and get revenge on the admin that banned him and certain other people he calls enemies. note to kyo: things like these don't offend anyone, but make them laugh. now, to cover the stage components

the furthest layers include the moon and the red sky. this looks pefect, but for some reason he decides to make it turn dark for a second, as possibly the worst lighting bolt effect i have ever seen hits the horizon. even when success is in your grasp, you find a way to turn back from it.

The main part of the stage consists of rendered ground and a few tombstones. the ground wasn't too bad, but it has a flat feel to it. it took a few tries to figure out what the tombstones said because they weren't done that well.

The foreground has a crucifix, as well as a small scene of what seems to be some generic goth attacking rolento from the sfa series. after closer inspection, this gothic fellow with the pale complexion is none other then kyo himself, which happens to have as less detail and shading then dbz sprites. the rolento frames are standard sfa fare, but with cheesy monocolor blood dripping from several areas, which seem to change from sprite to sprite. the animation involving the two has rolento mysteriously cycling from a little above kyo's head all the way back to in the floor within a few ticks. poor quality indeed.

the biggest problem would be that the fight is blocked a great deal by those foreground elements. usually, one wants to see their opponent, not some giant crucifix that seems to just be there for a half assed attempt at consistancy. kyo mentions that he is french in the def file. perhaps he should have considered that nationality has nothing to do with being good, which shows in this stage.

Pros and Cons
+ rendered ground and tomes not too bad
- foreground rolento movement sketchy
- foreground layer blocks too much
- kyo animation is terrible compared to the rest
Overall Score: 10
travaux de quality? non possible.