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Kaname Ameri (Limited Edition)
created by Chotto-Komaru
review by ShoShingo

First off, Kaname is probably one of the best characters to come from the Non-English side of the Mugen scene in a long time. This surprised me greatly, especially considering who made it. Chotto-Komaru has put a great deal of effort behind this, and it shows. Kaname is a BIG leap forward from some of CKs' original work.

Combos are incredibly fun and relatively easy to pull off. The specials are neither overpowered, nor underpowered. The same goes for the super moves. Graphics wise, Kaname uses a combination of well made custom sprites and various SNK/Capcom sprites (hitsparks, etc). Actually, this character reminds me of Big Eli.

There are few, if any, bugs in this character. Certainly not any severe enough to make Kaname unplayable. Probably the only downside to this character, or not, is that it was Limited Edition. It's probably for the best, since most of the present Mugenites are leechers anyway, and don't really appreciate fine work. If you haven't downloaded Kaname by now, then you must suck must really suck.

Pros and Cons
+Fun and easy combos.
+The graphics are incredible.
+My cat is still licking my toe.
-Big Eli isn't finished.

Overall Score: 2