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created by David Demianoff
review by Rumiko
download: Iron Mugen

Well, I'll start off by saying that I had really bad expectations for this character, and it surpassed them. Slightly. It's still monumentally lazy, though.

List o' crap:
*Your sprites are not cropped. Learn to use SFF2PCX and SPRMaker. It's never been easier to make the tightest possible .SFF.
*No basic cancels? It's not KoF.
*Hitpauses are wrong.
*Hittimes are very, very wrong. Doubled on the s. A, for example.
*Distance window for Dam Breaker Punch is too big.
*Not an accurate CLSN box in the bunch. It's not hard to get right. Just use the BIOS, a good emulator, Alt+PrntScreen, and MSPaint.
*Quit making your friggin' damages up. It's ridiculous. They're often too high, too. See below.
*Cheapness. The Steroid mode-only DM is ludicrous. How much damage does it do, 950? Two levels and you can do [s. C, 236236+AC] for just shy of 800 damage.
*Because of hittime problems, the hitvels are wrong, too.
*The background work on the HSDM thing is shoddy. It shifts around a bit.
*Neither striker is worth the level it takes to use it. Saving that level for a superdamaging SDM is far more economical...
*Don't forget to do CLSN boxes on the dizzy action.
*The '97 style SDM sometimes misses the last hit. It can be guarded on occasion.
*3 A can't cancel into specials in '01, but it's extra cheapness for steroid mode now.
*The new SDMs are pretty contrived. Sticking with the '01 DM would've been nice.

I was going to give this character a higher review, but the more I looked into it, the more I realized the sloth. If you want an Andy that fights without turning Mugen into complete, buggy sludge, I guess you can go with this. If you want an interesting or KoF Andy, you're out of luck.

Pros and Cons
+ It's not as bad as the rest. Improvement, I guess?
- Sloppy and lazy work everywhere. Get off your ass.
- Overpowered: DMs and steroid mode.
- Useless strikers.
- If you're going to name your stuff after a band, at least make it a good band, like Meshuggah or Zyklon.
Overall Score: 7

"The hammer is mine. The revelation is yours."