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Blue Ninja Of Doom
shit by PocketFreeMan
review by Titiln
download: whatever

Wow. Take KOF's Andy Bogard, add a MSPaint ninja mask and PRESTO you've got Roxxing Ninja. I still don't know how he wears a ninja mask, yet his hair is coming out. Pretty funny. There's so many things wrong on this character, but you can get the full scoop here.
First off, infinites. Jab can be mashed until you KO your opponent. This jab isn't your average infinite jab, however, because everytime you hit your opponent with it, your opponent gets closer to you. There's many other infinites caused by the utterly retarded moves, but you can discover them on your own. Most basics are flawed, even jumping is terrible, since when you land from jumping, Genji goes into a weird animation. Or if you jump and press strong punch, he'll get stuck on his punch sprite. His intro invloves him talking about someone's wife while breaking KFM's wooden block, and his winpose involves a stupid pose and Kyo's flame pillar. HOORAY. I sadly must now get into the character's moves.
A secret two button combination: Mai striker. I don't understand why he has a Mai striker. Mai comes in and does a KICK. WOW.
QCF+punch: Audobi du dragao. Genji shoots a dragon head from his hand. What the fuck.
DP+weak punch: SO CONCHAEDU. There's a superpause and Genji does a superjump with Kyo's flame pillar effects. You'd expect this to take power bar but it doesn't. Can only be blocked while crouching. That doesn't make any fucking sense.
DP+strong punch: Retardation UPPER. A shitty anti air move.
B, D, DB+strong kick: Somersault ripoff. Nice job on making the sprites look like dog shit, jackass. He goes into a weird animation after doing this move.
QCB+weak kick: Shustoo Doo Dragao. I fail to understand what the fuck this move is supposed to be, Genji starts to spin and has hitsparks all over him. There's also a superpause, but this move doesn't take power. It only hits one time. Hilarous.
Both punches: Headbutt. This is just the EX Kung Fu Palm. Hahaha.
QCB+punch: Soco cortachee. Genji runs towards the opponent and does a super cutting elbow. Uh, okay.
QCF+both punches: Retarded auto combo move. Nothing much to say. If you don't hit this move, that hellish background goes on and on.
QCF QCF punch: Attacko do supremo dragao! Genji clones himself and shoots three long dragon heads. WOW!
DP+strong kick: Butchered Cannon Drill. Genji does a fast sliding kick of awfulness.
QCF+two kicks: FURIA! This is a Razing Storm ripoff. As you can see in the first screenshot, the CLSN's are the same as in CvS Geese's CLSN's. Maybe you re-used the code too, shitfucker?

I think there's more moves, but I don't really give a shit. This character has a really funny voice. He also has storyboard intro/ending, which is just Andy artwork with MSPaint ninja mask added. My god, he also has a throw that looks awful, since the opponent will do a horrible gethits spin. You fucked up the gethits greatly, Pocketfreemen. Get this character and throw it to the Recycle Bin. Don't bother trying it..

Pros and Cons
+ Nothing.
- Stolen code.
- Everything else.

Overall Score: 20