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Evil Ryu
created by gargoyle
review by Legato
download: Conversion World

As a break from all the crap I've been reviewing tonight, I've decided to review a good character. This is one of the first characters ripped from the playstation version of Capcom vs. SNK Pro. As such, he has much better graphics than a lot of other recently released characters (even if the framecount's a little low.) Plus, I like CvS' art style. No problems with the GFX, except for the horribly scaled fireballs and some palette issues with any MUGEN builds later than 04.14.2001 (IE: Linux Mugen.)

Move wise, he's fine. No glaring bugs I noticed, no really stupid moves. (Then again, it IS Ryu. Kinda hard to fuck him up. :P) Sounds are also pretty good. Nothing really bothered me.

Actually, reviewing good characters is kinda boring. It's more fun to talk about PROBLEMS in characters than to talk about the lack of problems. So I doubt I'll do good reviews too often. ;)

Pros and Cons
+ Good ripping job.
+ Fun to play as.

- The special effects look ugly and scaled.
Overall Score: 2