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created by Enmko and SS5ACE
review by Titiln
download: none

Oh dear god. This character makes me want to hang myself.

It's like someone wanted to sprite swap KFM, but failed terribly. Enmko dissapears while doing basic actions, like walking, jumping, getting hit. It doesn't get any better when you see the poorly edited sprites. It seems Enmko decided to learn from Bugsy and put no shading on her edits. The animation is worse. The skirt is always magically changing sizes, and the legs sometimes get darker for no reason.
The CLSN's are also drunk style. Just get drunk, open up Airedit, and get to work. The big portrait is stupidly large. There's nothing else to be said about this spriteswap. It's horrible. I hope Enmko and SS5ACE improve and put out a better character.

On second thought, they just need to hang themselves.

Pros and Cons
+ It doesn't use KFM's intro!
- Sprites
- CLSN's
- Everything else
Overall Score: 11