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"Death Maul"
created by "RMX"
review by Legato
download: RMX's page.

Hey, kids! Ever wanted a crappy version of Zero, but with Darth Maul's head? Well, thanks to RMX, NOW YOU CAN! :D

Did I mention this guy didn't even bother to code his OWN Zero and just stole someone else's badly coded Zero and changed the head, badly?

Good. Just checking.

The only good thing about this character is the fact that the super features TIE fighters being sucked into the black hole for no reason, which is quite funny. But if you download this character, I will kick your ass.

Pros and Cons
+ The TIE fighters are funny.

- Bad edit job.
- Stolen character. A mere sprite/sound swap.
Overall Score: 11
Yes, 11. Code thieves get no love.