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created by R, "updated" by ilcane87
review by villain
download: Here

First off, I wish to mention that this is nothing more then an update to R's Dan, which means that most of the main points of this character are the same as the original. Before you make the assumption that adding stuff to an already good character would make it better, allow me to show you why you should just stick with the original.

The updater advertised a few things, being that Dan's damage values were updated, that he recieved new super attacks, and that he recieved a new winpose. The updated damage values consisted of merely increasing the damage for each attack, two of the new supers are just rehashed of already existing ones within the character, and those same two supers are instant kills. Also, Dan's standing light punch has no clsn1, meaning that it cannot hit the opponent.

I have no complaints about the new winpose. The "Shin Gale Kick" is simply a repetition of kicks in mid air that can only connect fully if the opponent is also in air when being hit.

Shun Goku Satsu was simply a copied Jun Kokusatsu. It is literally the same set of states with a few new vaules, as ilcane didn't even bother to rename anything after the 1st part of the move, leaving the rest to literally say the same as the original move.

I have yet to see the update. I only see a lot of pointless things that have been inserted under the guise of being an update. If you want a good Dan, find the original one by R.

Pros and Cons
+ it has all of the same good qualities as the original
- it has the same issues as well
- 2 of the new supers are completely pointless
- improved damages = just making them bigger
Overall Score: 8
just get the original