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created by ROBO Z
review by Sopitas
download: Look for the link on MUGEN Guild or something

Heh, when I first saw this character's link at some Mugen news site, I told to myself : "Man, this must be total suckage, so let's give it a try and a review for Doki Doki!"

Now, that I've downloaded it and played it, I must say that I wasn't wrong. This character sucks, graphic-wise, design-wise, every-aspect-wise, and I'm going to tell you why.

First of all, it's a SNES character, from Final Fight 2, so the framecount is pretty low. Even if the creator says that he had to add some frames to make it more fit to a 2D fighter, I couldn't find them, since this character can't crouch, doesn't have a separate animation for walking towards and backwards, and the editted sprite for the jumping hard blow is just ridiculous (He just pasted Carlos' upper body part of his normal jab with his jumping lower body part, here's some 1337 editting skillz for ya kiddiez). Intros? Hehe, a two-sprited pose where he gets his katana ready for some whupass. Winposes? Heh. One, and it's a single-sprite, where he poses kicking to God knows where. He has a dodge-like move that looks like the brown things that come out of my ass when I urgently have to go to the toilet in a non pervert way.

Let's continue, sirs. Second part. The moves. Here's the worst part of it all. He has a Guile's sommersault (which he names Summersault, perhaps it won't be usable from September, 24th, but who knows), his typical Final Fight 2 chain, a running(Running? Hovering would fit it better) sword slash, his "Extra Joy" attack that he used in Final Fight 2 (You know, like Haggar's Spinning Clothesline), and a "Mega Blast", your typical energy projectile attack. As you can see, he didn't overburnt his brain in the search for some original, fresh moves. He ripped off some ones, and added some cheap, useless and worthless ones too.

Supers? Haha. He has 5. The first is a flying kick, where Carlitos gets surrounded by an halo of energy! WHOA! IMPRESSIVE! Not. Second one, a VS-like beam... Cheap. And other three, including a running massive jab, and finally, a 17-hit combo, level 2 nonetheless!

The third part. Gameplay. Well, assuming that I've played this character for, say, 10 minutes, I haven't found so many combos, but his moves don't open up many possibilities, so I'm guessing that Carlitos' combo ability is equal to shit. Heck, this whole character is trash!

And the fourth and last part, sounds. Haha. Please, Mr.Robo Z, who do you think you're fooling? This characters' sounds were taken from Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (Mustapha Cairo, I think), so this is just the final touch to make a complete piece of putrid crap.

Pros and Cons
+ I liked Final Fight and Final Fight 3.

- I didn't like Final Fight 2
- Graphics are baaaad. Animation is a joke
- The sounds are from somewhere else.
- The movelist is just plain stupid.

Overall Score: 9