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created by VIB
review by Shinaku
download: VIB's page

Ah, what do you know? VIB had the great idea of converting a ball into a MUGEN character. A fucking ball. Apparently, he hoped that with a ball (or sphere, whatever) he could have more creative freedom when creating his character. Apparently, with a ball, he could create a MUGEN character both innovative, and fun.

Apparently, VIB succeeded.

The gameplay is excellent. Bola is very fun to play as, and I had no problems with its control scheme. Everything works out well. The animations is also quite good, and doesn't look choppy at all. The attacks are creative and help improve the experience of playing as a mere ball.

My only gripe is that it's a ball, and quite a dull ball. How about some designs? A basketball SFF? :P

Other than the graphics, which I'm sure other people will enjoy, Bola turns out being an excellent character, a fine addition to everyone's MUGEN collection. Please, if you have any doubts about Bola, try it first. All doubts will be erased and forgotten while you have a blast beating opponents up.

Pros and Cons
+ Original character!
+ AND it's good!
+ Creative moves, and stuff.
- Dull graphics, but what can you do? It's a ball.

Overall Score: 2