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athena 2002
made by faye
review by Orochikof97
download: what about a nice cup of stfu

ono ! athena02 gets reviewed ! yes with full mouth. although i contributed to the character, when i tried the latest version of the character (11th release, 5th patch ...), I found that athena was still a worthless piece of shit (although i gave tons of feedback, a mere 3% were corrected ...). Here are the details.

athena has all her moves from kof'02 + '97 ones (as a separate neo athena mode).okay, the character is aligned properly and has most of its kof clsns (although i found misaligned sprites & unaccurate clsns but that's not the problem, getting debug data is easy nowadays) but the coding part is really, REALLy sloppy, not to say shitty at times.

- some moves are invincible to throws when they're fucking not in the game, like standing knockdown (!), phoenix arrow landing frames (!!) and roll (!!!!!)
- shining crystal bit dm/sdm can perform 2 hits at times, up to 850/900 damage for the SDm version ! and the followup ball damage is just wrong. wow. kof02 doesn't allow 2 hits in a row for that hyper move, even in counter and it's not like it's hard to measure damage.
- no counter hit system ? no guard crush ? that's not kof
- some weird juggles like standing knockdown -> psycho ball work (that only worked when knockdown was a counter, but since there's no counter hit system in that character, that's wrong). you will find other ones by yourself.
- psycho9 sdm contains the best of the funny shit : if athena succeeded in the trigger, she will not be able to finish it because the clsn1 are just wrong, supposedly leaving athena open for punishment.but i forgot to mention that the clsn1 is still active when athena plays her miss animation, so no punishment !!!
- artificial intelligence is a joke : it plays nothing like a skilled player of athena, it performs combos that never existed, helper frames are still displayed for a while when athena gets hit during moves involving them, psycho sword p2 velocity looks like i believe i can fly (hello gravity !), athena will pull out shining crystal bit hyper move as soon as there's enough power (even though the opponent is far and not attacking) and uses everything but not the recommended athena 2002 basic moves to poke.
- bugs from 1st version are still present in the latest builds : wrong head.pos for example.
- Command priority is wrong : when we perform any direction + ab (the dodge buttons), we're supposed to dodge, not to pull off a kick or punch.
- unoptimized code 4 life. faye releases a patch every hour for the character instead of getting a good amount of feedback in order to fix all the issues in one patch. And no, releasing daily updates doesn't mean that you're active, it just shows people how shitty your coding is.

I think I will stop here but there's one thing you should know. You can never, ever be proud of something like that.Sloppy coding at its best. yet faye acts like athena is pure gold omfg character of the century which is just stupid.

95 % damage SDM. Sup accuracy -_-

Missed the Psycho9 but can't be punished ahahaha ...

Pros and Cons
+ debug data is finally used.
+ hold on ... i tell you when I find
- she killed athena.
- Excessive damages on scb sdm & followup.
- p2 vels, invincible to throws, psycho9, ai, juggle ...
- absolutely no knowledge of kof

Overall Score: 12
can't code ? quit mugen.